how to activate the RAS can help us overcome negative thought patterns and achieve a more positive mindset.

What is Reticular Activation System (RAS) and how does it work?

Reticular Activation System (RAS) is a function of the brain that acts as a filter to help us focus on the most important information and filter out irrelevant or unnecessary information. It is part of the reticular formation, a network of neurons located in the brain stem that is responsible for regulating arousal and attention.

The RAS filters the vast amount of information we are exposed to every day and determines what we pay attention to. For example, have you ever thought about a tourist trip to a certain place and suddenly you find information everywhere about this place, as if everyone was just there on this vacation? That's the RAS at work: it filters out background noise and draws your attention to what's important to you.
The RAS can be programmed to focus on specific objectives or results. By setting clear goals and constantly visualizing them, we can train the RAS to filter out information that is not relevant to our goals and draw our attention to opportunities that can help us achieve them.
For example, if you set a goal to find a new job, your RAS will begin filtering information related to job opportunities and draw your attention to job postings, networking events, and other opportunities that can help you achieve your goal. That's why it's important to be clear about what you want and visualize it regularly: the more you focus on your goal, the more RAS will help you achieve it.
In short, the RAS is a powerful function of the brain that helps us filter information and focus on what is important to us. By understanding how it works and using techniques like visualization and goal setting, we can program the RAS to help us achieve our goals and attract abundance into our lives.

Does your economic situation or your poverty have to do with the Reticular Activation System?

Yes, your economic situation or poverty is influenced by the Reticular Activation System (RAS) in your brain. Since the RAS is a function of the brain that filters information and determines what we pay attention to, if we constantly focus on negative thoughts or limiting beliefs about our financial situation, the RAS will filter information that contradicts those beliefs and draw our attention to more evidence to support them. This leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy in which we continue to experience financial difficulties because we are unconsciously filtering out opportunities for growth and abundance.
On the other hand, if we consciously program the RAS with positive thoughts and beliefs about our financial situation, we train our brain to filter out information that contradicts those beliefs and draw our attention to opportunities for growth and abundance. This will lead to a more positive mindset and a greater sense of control over our financial situation.

The RAS plays a role in shaping our thoughts and beliefs about our financial situation, which in turn influences our actions and experiences. By understanding how the RAS works and consciously programming it with positive thoughts and beliefs, we train our brain to filter out negative information and attract abundance into our lives.

You know the saying, that ''the children of the rich are also and will be rich''. It is because their mind only has this information: ''I am Rich'' and does not focus on the poor, so their RAS only offers them relevant information and opportunities regarding wealth.

How Abundance Spells Work: Activating Your RAS for Wealth and Prosperity?

It's very simple. The spells are to stimulate your various senses, touch, smell, hearing, etc. We need that to focus our mind on the goal and tell our brain that this is what you want. When you do something with emotions it's exactly the same when a baby explores the world and learns that fast, because it programs its mind. On the other hand, there is a part not confirmed by modern science, but by ancient, alchemical or esoteric sciences that certain actions stimulate universal energy vibrations, and are perfectly aligned with our desires. Some Grimoires describe various spells in detail and what to expect. The book Kybalion talks about how the ''WHOLE'' works.

So, why not unite the two sciences, the ancient with the modern, and get out of this infernal loop of economic lack.

5 abundance spells and activate your RAS

1. Green candle spell: this simple spell consists of lighting a green candle and visualizing the abundance that comes into your life. By focusing your attention on the green flame and repeating affirmations related to abundance, you can program your RAS to focus on attracting abundance.

2. Money Jar Spell: This spell involves filling a jar with coins and placing it in a prominent place in your home. As you add coins to the jar, visualize your wealth and abundance growing. The constant visual reminder of the money jar will help program your RAS to focus on abundance.
3. Salt and cinnamon spell: This spell consists of mixing salt and cinnamon and sprinkle it in the corners of your home to attract wealth and prosperity. The scent of cinnamon helps stimulate the senses and programs the RAS to focus on abundance.

4. Abundance Bath Spell: This spell involves taking a bath with ingredients that are known to attract abundance such as mint, basil, and bay leaves. As you soak in the bath, visualize yourself being surrounded by abundance and prosperity. The combination of the ingredients and visualization will help activate your RAS and attract abundance into your life.

5. Abundance Charm Spell: This spell involves creating a charm or talisman that represents abundance such as a green crystal or a piece of jewelry. Carry the charm with you wherever you go and use it as a reminder to focus on abundance. Whenever you touch or see the charm, visualize yourself being surrounded by abundance and prosperity. The constant reminder of the charm will help activate your RAS and attract abundance into your life.


The Reticular Activation System (RAS) is a part of the brain that acts as a filter for the vast amount of information that our brain receives every day. It helps us to focus on what is important and relevant to us, and ignore the rest. By using these abundance spells, you can program your RAS to focus on abundance and attract more of it into your life. By visualizing and focusing on abundance, your RAS will start to notice opportunities and situations that can help bring more abundance into your life.


"The greatest enemy of the mind is itself."