Abundance: How to be rich, handsome and happy easily?

How to get Abundance Energy Vibration

Right to Abundance

It is a very good question, and asked by millions of people. We all have the right to abundance, and there is wealth for everyone. So what happens, because I am not rich? 

When I speak of abundance, I am not referring to money, but to what is behind it. We do not eat money, we do not cover ourselves with bills to protect us from the cold, it does not take us from one place to another, it does not cover our body as a garment, money is nothing, only paper. So our longing is for material goods, and if we defragment this desire further, in truth, our requests are based on obtaining an internal need, emotions and sensations. 

I want a big house with a garden, because I like huge spaces and nature. I need nice and quality clothes, because I like the way they fit me, I look more handsome like this. I want an expensive, luxurious and powerful car, I like speed and to show off, I love when people look at me and admire me. I want abundant and varied food, I like to eat, and discover new flavors. 

And so we see that the need for abundance itself is transformed into a need for inner pleasures and they are no longer so material. So in the end what we want, is to be happy. 

Unfortunately, when we acquire material goods, the sensation of well-being is very short, from there, the human being wants more and more, so that this sensation remains constant, just like a drug. Even so, you have the right to have all that, and if I have to cry, I want to cry inside a Lamborghini and not on a bicycle. Besides, being rich I can help a lot of people, help sick people, do research for a better world, get into politics and disarm all the corruption, I can do many good things and of course also bad things (Beware of Karma). That I can, also tells us that what you want is not money itself, but POWER. 

And why not. If you are going to help others, the universe will be your ally. 

To get to acquire the vibration of abundance, it is essential to start from the point where you are 

If you do not see what you have, you will not see what you acquire later. Put the awareness of what you have now, and compare it with those who do not have this. Stop following Elon Musk and Rockefeller, that will give you the feeling that you are poor and automatically generate the vibration of poor, and in turn like a magnet you will attract more poverty. This is how our mind works, you tell it something, and it responds to you according to the information given. You tell it, -I am poor-, and and it confirms , - yes you are-. 

Look around you, you have many things that other people don't have. By things I mean materials. You have a bicycle or better yet a car (it doesn't matter what model year, but you have it), you have a place to live, you have clothes, food, etc. You have health, you are still fit, you have a partner, healthy children, family that still loves you..., you have friends, a friend, well, a dog or a cat, and they love you very much. You are a good person, well, compared to your villainous neighbor 😁.

You see, here I mention a lot the verb have..., and that verb is the verb of abundance as long as it does not describe misfortune. That verb is charged with the energetic vibration of abundance. Now it is important that you get into the habit of using it constantly for yourself. I have, I have, I have, I have more and more. We have replaced words of lack with words of abundance. It's so simple isn't it? When the vibration of abundance is activated, you begin to align with Chaos and Ether, you begin to see attunement and create attraction, for like attracts like, like a magnet. If you consider yourself rich, you will be richer, if you consider yourself poor, you will be poorer. You only need to change one habit, instead of saying I don't have, now you will say I have, and not only say, see that you really have all that, feel that all that is at your disposal, you should not have any doubt about it, that you are rich of those things. 

Why is the vibration of abundance and wealth activated?

The human being produces three energetic sources vibrations 

🧠   The vibration of our mind
💓   The vibration of our heart
👻   The vibration of our soul

When all these three sources are aligned towards the same direction, the path is direct to what is requested, impossible not to happen, they are also aligned with universal vibrations, in that case of abundance. 

(If you understand Spanish or have a program that can translate what he says, that video is wonderful from ''Mundo Desconocido''. ) 

Today, our heart goes one way, the mind goes another, and the soul is asleep        

What is the use of saying that I want to be rich (mind), if I do not feel it (heart), and I do not empathize with the environment (soul). It's that we honestly don't see ourselves rich, or beautiful, or anything we want, despite having everything we need, at least to start with. The conventional media took care of telling us what we don't have (we don't have Lamborghini, nor Brad Pit's body, nor an athlete's health, so buy it, buy it, buy it...) STOP! Don't buy anything

The media is not telling you that you are already rich in everything, it will only tell you that you are poor and need all that stuff to get out of your poverty. It's misaligning you from the ether source of abundance, it's breaking you. STOP! Turn off the TV. Look around you, align the three sources, mind, heart and soul and take everything you need. 

The universe doesn't care if you are poor or rich, it is neutral, and it gives you what you ask for.

Now I will tell you, you know how to ask, but you are not aware of it. Your ''misfortune'' you have asked for it correctly, you have aligned all your energetic sources. When you said you have no money, you did it with your mind, because you thought about it, and you got sad or angry (emotions/heart), and on top of that you blamed your partner, parents, government, etc., (unfriendly with the environment (soul)), you aligned everything to have what you have and that's why you have it. 


What you have to do now, is to be aware of what you ask for and how you ask for it, nothing else. 

If you want to get something, reflect on what you already have and rejoice, and thank your environment for it. That's all it is.

If you want to strengthen your source alignment I recommend surrounding yourself with symbols and acts that strengthen that attraction, it helps and a lot. 

I hope you get everything you ask for