The Frequency Of Energetic Vibration And Life

3 Steps to Understand Everything and Change Your World

Hello Earthman! Remember That The Universal Law Of Vibration Says That Everything Vibrates So Lets go

I will talk to you about what you want to hear, about what you already know, but you need a kick in the ass 😉. I will tell you, because I know you need to be understood, and I understand you. What is wrong with you? Why don't you move forward? Why are you blocked? Why don't you feel like doing anything? 

Here you will find the answers and suggested ways out

The human being is a very emotional and sentimental being. Some people are more so than others. There are psychopaths and sociopaths who seem to lack these emotions, but it is normal and right that we feel everything, good and bad. Moreover, it is not possible to maintain a linear range of equal emotions, generally there are times when we are more sensitive and others of more calm. I tell you that even in a normal day we have the highest and lowest emotional frequencies, and that is when nothing much happens. And all this is so natural, so human that it is incredible those colors of feelings. It is fantastic to be human, you are not boring, be proud of yourself.

In previous posts we have talked that everything is connected, that everything is energy and everything vibrates, that energy can be low frequency or high, and that we are more light beings than carnal, that means, that no matter how much you want to escape from feeling, it will not be possible, because you as a being of light or being of energy alter your vibrations and align yourself with the vibrations of your environment, you impact them and they impact you. 

When you vibrate low (come on, you are in a bad mood and everything goes wrong), it is not that everything goes wrong and right now (when we say: evil does not walk alone), it is because you have aligned with that unpleasant frequency and now it is like a closed loop. So, either you put up with it, or you change your ''radio''. I have just explained to you the reason for this problem, which is not one, but 10 today. Wow! 

It is not Possible to Control Everithing

But it is possible to know, that nothing lasts forever, it is a law, so after your problems comes good things, calm (the law of balance and equilibrium). 

Why the heck does your energetic frequency get so low?

1. It has to do with your molecules, atoms and of course hormones 

Everything that goes up goes down and everything that goes down goes up. In nature this vibrational movement is necessary for energy to be produced and fed. How else? For something to exist, the microscopic and macroscopic particles have to move, so it generates heat and in turn energy, so it goes up and down, from right to left and making toroids. And so with the whole, it alters our emotions too, we are happy, we are unhappy, we have a good temper, we have a bad temper. 

The good thing about this knowledge is that everything that goes up, by the physics or law of correspondence, has to come down. 

2. You have become accustomed to the low frequency. 

The mind is a steering wheel of that machine that is our body and energies. And it really is a very very sensitive steering wheel, but lazy, it wants you to put everything in autopilot mode and when you want to change the route by unplugging that pilot, it gets in your way, protests, refuses and even fights with you. That's how it is, happy habit. We get used to the negative energy (also because we think that better the old devil known than a new one to know). I could say that up to a certain point we are a little masochistic, we like to feel like victims and to be pitied, so we can complain about it, we can blame the government, the inadequate education, the neighbor because I don't like him or her. 

There is a certain pleasure in all that. Moreover, the low frequency is very magnetic with the other energies of the same vibration, it feeds a lot of it growing more and more and more. Have you noticed how people devour the macabre and bloody news, and how few see beautiful and positive things. And if I tell you that it is so normal and natural that it is incredible, this is nature, divinely good and at the same time macabre. 

3. You are not lazy, nor lazy either, you are not bad used to it, you just lack motivation. 

That shows a psychological problem, it is a disease (that is what psychologists say). The black hole of negative vibrations has trapped you and you can't get out. Calm down, everyone from time to time is trapped in that hole and this is a constant. You are not the problem, the problem is the situation, the Karma trap, but I insist, everything has its beginning and its end. 

We are immersed in a world of superinformation, a brutal amount. It is already known in psychology, psychiatry and neurosciences, that give the brain to choose something between two pieces and it will choose one; but give it to choose between three, and the brain will collapse creating a stress, a mental chaos, a blockage, come on, everything you can imagine that begins to lower our energy frequency, until we begin to feel tired just because of it. And as we are needed to the system in slave mode, it is a very very efficient tool, since a blocked person is a person who does not reason and obeys everything. 

Well, here we have exposed three simple reasons why our ills, now I invite you to review how to get out of it, if you want of course, that being us a little masochistic (including me) we enjoy a little more of this, than we suppose. 

The Modern Rules of Energy Frequency Vibration

Take Charge Of Your Happiness

1. We cannot dictate to nature how it has to create or destroy. 

As it is force majeure, we would lose out anyway. But we can take the wheel (our mind) and unplug autopilot (unconsciousness), knowing that you are tied to the balance of motion, once you enter the negative phase, you can deprive that phase of its nourishment, at least that it does not grow and does not become a gigantic black hole that devours everything around it, including your mood. Don't listen to sad songs, don't read bloody newspapers, don't even let someone come close to you, if their intentions are not entirely good. Become a monk or a hermit during this period, and you will see that you will endure this stage much better. 

2. A little bit of willpower will be necessary to get rid of the old devil you know. 

Drive the vehicle of your life in the direction you want to go, in spite of the pains that will arise.  Deprive your desire of that evil ''donut'' (pleasure in the negative and victimhood) even though it is so tasty, deprive yourself for your mental and total health. Later you will realize that it becomes easier and easier. Willpower is also necessary here because the magnetism produced by the negative frequency is quite strong, so you have to give a little work to your mental muscles. 

In spite of wanting to read a negative news (the one, where the world is ending), read only the positive, listen to happy songs, don't let people complain to you, don't let them be your handkerchief either, if they come to you, it is only to say good things, otherwise, don't let them come to you. Sometimes my acquaintances, friends or families usually start the conversation like this: Can I tell you something?-I answer-If it's something bad, then NO! and I control my curiosity like a beast, and you don't see how those people get annoyed, 😁. It's not my problem, I only want to hear good things, if they can't tell me anything good, let them shut up.  

If I can do it, so can you! But remember, despite the bad things you are going through, it's just a temporary and natural process, so make the most of it. 

3. The three ways out proposed here are very similar, in fact they are the same, to a certain extent. 

Laziness is a symptom of unhappiness and lack of motivation, your energy is low because the vibrational frequency of it is low, and you are stuck. Saturation caused by many possible choices is constant today, so most of us are in a loop, blocked. Here the only way to improve is to be clear about what you want, and that what you want is exactly what you want!!! and is not influenced by the environment. Think about what you are doing something where you lose track of time, that would be what you enjoy very much. And direct all your mind on it. 

Little by little your energetic frequency will begin to rise. Do not make the mistake of assuming that you want the money, that is just a tool, what you want is behind the dollar or euro, a pleasure, to feel life. Focus only on this, the rest will come by inertia. Avoid any distractions outside your desire, do not let them approach you, do not opt for many things, just one, remember, a lot of choice, brain block. 

Happiness is in your hands. It is natural to be happy and unhappy from time to time, so when you are happy, give it all your energy, and when you are unhappy, deprive it of your focus, thus depriving this unhappiness of its nourishment. 

You can get everithing you want!