The "Books of Shadows"

The grimoire, also known as the "Book of Shadows," is a form of magical book where you might record your insights in the hopes that they would one day be useful to future generations. The grimoire is not just a simple journal where you can jot down any idea, dream, recipe, or topic of interest; rather, it is a real collection of formulas and insights that are applicable to everyday life and helpful to other people. 

The French word "grammaire," whose root is the same as "grammar," which denotes a book with instructions, is thought to have given rise to the phrase. Nevertheless, other writers claim that it actually comes from the old English word grimm, which meaning "cruel, harsh, wild," and which itself is thought to have proto-Germanic roots. Not to mention that the word "gramayre" means "mystical education" in old English.

The legendary grimoires of history

Think of the legendary "Enchiridion," a grimoire attributed to Pope Leo III, who ruled from 795 to 816, to illustrate that grimoires are not merely something found in fairy tales. The Enchiridion, which the Pope reportedly gave to Charlemagne, was first made public in 1523. 

But what was in this diary? Pentacles with a cabalistic origin, exorcisms, consecrations, and magical formulas in the form of prayers, all with the goal of using magic to control the evil kingdom and improve one's quality of life.

A notable text is the Picatrix, which is regarded as the most significant magical manual of the medieval age, aside from the "diabolical" grimoires, those written for evil reasons but not the original intent of this diary.

In the Picatrix, one learns that magical knowledge is an unending process, that it is constantly expanding, and that it has exceptional and limitless power. The idea that the mind has a black and dark side is highlighted.

The Human Being is a Universe

Regardless of where extraordinary actions are possible, beyond the established order, activated and carried out through spiritual acts that make man the creator who unites energies with his arcane powers, the sky with the power of the elements, man becomes thus in a universe in itself, a microcosm capable of operating by combining the forces of nature, and in this way dominating and transforming at will the natural course of men and things. He becomes the Sage, or the one who is knowledgeable about the forces of the sky, the seas, the climates, and the stars and their affects, and who uses techniques like rituals and prayers to control them.

Other significant grimoires include the Liber Aneguemis, the renowned Necronomicon, The Clavicula Salomonis, a book of negative ritual magic that was at the time heavily feared and forbade by the Saints Inquisition, the Black Crow, the Magician, and many others, as well as the sacred magic of Abramelin the magician.

What are the contents of grimoires?

It appears that both High or White magic—which is considered positive—and Low or Black magic are written in the grimoires. The collection of intuitions, magic formulas, and practical prayers for various goals is the element that unites them. Depending on their traits, different groups of grimoires are identified. Others appear to have existed but there is insufficient evidence to support them, grimoires that exist but are hidden or have been censored, grimoires of common people interested in magic, witchcraft, or various types of esoteric practices, and some that have been destroyed or dispersed for a variety of reasons, sometimes because they are thought to be too dangerous.

It is surprising that the Church has frequently suppressed these magical guides over time, despite the fact that several Popes have written significant grimoires.
Why may religious officials write them while others cannot? Mysterie!

Unfortunately, grimoires today are sometimes associated with negative connotations because of the moniker "books of shadows". As a result, they are incorrectly referred to as manuals of black magic whereas, in fact, by including the latter, they include crucial knowledge, formulas, and creative concepts that need consideration rather than being dismissed as "dark." Even if they can contain teachings that provide dubious answers aimed at managing the material world, they frequently also contain guidance on personal spiritual development and inner growth.

How to make your own Grimoire?

As you have read before, a grimoire is a book of experiences, results and various analyzes in the alchemical and esoteric world.

  • To begin with, you should choose a notebook with which you feel comfortable, without forgetting that all magic comes from nature, so being respectful of nature, choose an environmentally friendly notebook.
  • Find a spell so that your grimoire gains mystical energy frequency and is only yours.
  • Mark the first page of the face with a magical sigil according to your needs.
  • Start writing down all your experience and sensations when you experience different events, during meditation, reiki, wicca, spiritual sessions etc.
  • Write down spells and esoteric sections improved by you, those that work. 

It's best if your magical notebook is a filing cabinet, where you can place, extract, and rearrange the sheets as needed.

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
Stephen King