Three books that deal with the Spiritual Laws and are totally successful in their popularity

Three books that deal with the Spiritual Laws and are totally successful in their popularity. Is it because they really help?!

I know you are busy, and if you have a few minutes to spare, I would like to invite you to take a look at these 3 books that have a lot in common, not to say that they are a derivation of each other, and the three of them talk about Spiritual Laws. Then I will make you an opinative synthesis of common sense, which I can, you will feel very identified and related with it. Here we go. 

The book No.1 

''The Law of Attraction'' By Atkinson William Walker 

It is a universal law that is always in action. It works whether you understand it or not. Your thoughts are sending signals to the Universe and it responds to them. Everything you need to be happy, healthy and successful is on its way to you right now. You can't get it because you don't see it or feel it yet. Keep focusing on what you want until you get it, and then refocus your attention on what comes next.

The Law of Attraction works without fail, but how quickly we receive our good depends on us. If we constantly worry about what might go wrong or believe that bad things will happen, we will attract more negativity into our life. If we think positive things will happen, we will attract more positive things into our lives.

The Law of Attraction operates by sending vibrations through the Universe based on our thoughts and feelings. Our frequencies are being picked up by the Universe at this very moment, as well as all the other people in your life who share an affinity with your energy patterns (those who have similar thoughts and feelings).

The author of that book and of hundreds of other equally good and important books for learning about life and its laws, had a not easy life, which led him from being a successful man in law and well-to-do economy, to lose absolutely everything, and with that shock to become someone who would investigate the spiritual secrets to the depths, starting with Hermes Trismegistus. He traveled to hundreds of sacred places, searching for answers about existence. His revelations have helped thousands or millions of people, making him one of the most spiritual characters. It is said that Atquinson did not die, he ascended into a higher vibrational dimension. 

I invite you, read the books of this author, and try to raise at least a few Hz of your energetic frequency.

Book No.2

 ''The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success'' By Deepak Chopra

And it is based on the natural laws that govern creation. It destroys the myth that success is a product of hard work, precise plans or unlimited ambition. It offers us an alternative perspective: knowing and learning to live in harmony with natural laws will bring into our lives a flowing stream of happiness and abundance.

The laws that were addressed in this book are:
1. The law of pure potentiality
2. The law of surrender
3. The law of karma or causality.
4. The law of minimum effort
4. The law of intention and desire
6. The law of detachment
7. The law of Dharma or purpose in life. 

This book was developed and written by Deepak Chopra, a very important person in the world of alternative medicine. He currently directs the Institute of Body-Mind Medicine and Human Potential at Sharp Heath Care in San Diego, California. 

This is not just another self-help book: it is a work that you will cherish constantly, as it will enable you to succeed in all aspects of your life. And this is not just my opinion: the book has broken sales records for millions of readers around the world who have been inspired by its simplicity and wisdom.

So I invite you to read it and take charge of your happiness. 

The book No.3 

''The Secret'' By Rhonda Byrne

It is obvious that this work, by Rhonda Byrne, was a derivation of the book ''The Law of Attraction'' by W. Atkinson, that the matrix is the same, but in the Secret, the author offers more what the reader wants to hear and hence its popularity. 
I'll describe a little bit...

Have you ever wished for something and it happened? Have you ever thought about a problem and somehow the answer popped into your head? Or have you seen a movie or read a book that made you reflect on someone or something from your past, and suddenly it came back into your life?

These are all examples of the Law of Attraction at work. The world around us constantly reflects the thoughts, images and desires we hold in our minds. This is the basis of ''The Secret,'' a self-help book that teaches readers how to use the Law of Attraction to create their own reality.

The author spent years researching the Law of Attraction and its applications. She says that we can attract anything into our lives if we simply believe it will happen, and act on it. If we want more money in our bank accounts, we must think of it as already there (and spend accordingly). If we want better health, we must visualize ourselves as healthy and strong. And if we want love in our lives.... well... Who doesn't?

According to Rhonda, to power the Law of Attraction as if it were fuel for the car, is Gratitude, for if you are not grateful, you don't appreciate what you were given, and if you don't appreciate what you were given, you don't deserve it. Just as the universe reflects, so do we generate magnetic frequencies or attraction repellents. 
Millions and millions of copies of this bestseller were sold in different languages. A book that shakes the mind, the conscience and probably the soul. Be grateful and you will receive more. 

A bit of common sense and a bit more mundane, just for us earthlings who will also want to ascend, or at least have some of our desires fulfilled. 

All three works are investigations, and interpretations of the authors and their own opinionated conclusions from the knowledge of the Sanskrit, knowledge of the most ancient spiritual masters, such as Hermes Trismegistus. All these works are adapted to their time and the understanding of the reader then or now. That is why I distributed the readings according to the year they were written, although the translations also adapt it to the time they are executed. 

Probably, if we were to read some original papyrus of Hermes, it is possible that it would be difficult for us to understand what he was referring to, since it was for the understanding of civilization or scholars of that time; but already the stories of Atquinson, Chopra or Rhonda become much more familiar and understandable to us. Those authors have a high degree of influence, and their researches are really valuable, that regardless, if you apply or not, those laws in your life, your subconscious will absorb the reading, assimilate it and shake the consciousness in one way or another. That is the reason for the virality and success of these works. It's a win-win situation. 

Stand still and watch!

Most spiritual books from centuries ago to modern times speak basically of the same thing, and it is because it carries the basis of a deep and unchangeable knowledge; which is Nature and its behavior, the great ''All'', the ''Universe'' or the ''God''. The masters had enough mental opening, to stay a while still and observe that ''All'', to later analyze, drawing conclusions and offering as Natural or Divine laws to their disciples. A law is synonymous of a rule and action that does not change, it is always the same and is fulfilled in one way or another. Regardless of any observer's opinion of the whole, the law is the same for all. 

Nowadays the human being does not have time to stay still for a while, not even to observe his environment, much less to take a look at the Universe, to know how it works. The routine is a killer, but we have to move, that is what the system in which we live says (but what spiritual teacher is this? It is enslaving and blinds us). 

The sacred texts talk a lot about the energetic frequencies of Chaos, about the vibration of life. And life is like a song composed with its personalized score. A beautiful or ugly melody, and we are dancers whether we like the song or not. Those teachers are telling us that we can change the melody, the notes of the score to make life more pleasant, but for that we have to be a little still and listen very carefully to know which of those notes need to be changed; because those would be the laws to choose and adapt to our lives. The difference of being aware or not of these dogmas is to be submitted to the natural rules with mental lucidity or to ignore them completely and be a puppet of life. 

All the laws of the universe and of life are neutral for the All, what the greater force dictates is the obligatory nature of equilibrium, so it will build or destroy whatever it takes to achieve that equilibrium. When one is aware and has knowledge of how everything works, he can channel all those balancing energies in his favor, because he would no longer have a judgment of good or bad, but what is necessary or not. 

Current Scientists are Trying to explain it, when past Masters have already done it

Here the main role is played by the energetic frequencies. In previous chapters we have exposed the importance of understanding that the human being is more energy than matter, that is, a Being of Light. And it is common sense, the human body contains electricity for the mobility of all the body's matter, but this is a less important energy compared to other magnetic or repellent energies that science is just trying to explain and give them a name. Scientists already know that these energies exist in the human being, and all of them are vitally valuable and fulfill functions beyond matter. 

Those energies, as I have said, are magnetic or repellent depending on how they are vibrating, and apparently, those vibrations we can dominate with our mind, both influencing our actions and of course our thoughts. The frequencies happen to be captured and can be given a number in Hz or other mathematical-physical measure. We radiate, as it were. But it does not stay there, just shining. This vibration is compatible with the energetic frequencies of the same code in our environment and vice versa, and so they attract each other, and incompatible frequencies repel each other. 

Our electricity is composed of ions and electrons, positive and negative (it has nothing to do with good and evil), but if they impact our physical sensations and health positively or negatively, the change in quantity of these particles when the imbalance arises. Scientists and doctors can measure and intervene to help us with technology, drugs or various therapies.

Likewise, altering the balance of other energies within and around us has a major impact on our health and life in general. Those masters came to understand a relevant part of it and how it works, although our scientists still cannot explain it. If we take as our guide the writings of those spiritual masters, we could come to balance the energetic vibrations known and spoken by them, thus impacting our lives in a positive way. 

To do this we must first work within ourselves, with our mind and our actions, be aware of the Power we harbor, and influence all those energies, and change their vibrations to our liking. In order to be aware, there is a lot of talk about calm and stillness (read Deepak Chopra's book), and in stillness we can observe more and better. Hence, the meditations suggested by many sages. To give lucidity to the consciousness is also to increase our sensations about the natural environment that surrounds us, through the senses already very well known, sight, touch, hearing, taste, smell..., observe it carefully and analyze what emotions it generates in us. 

For example: Wet your feet with the sea water trying to describe all the sensations in detail, the degree of water temperature, texture, tingling waves, everything you can; that would be connecting with our environment energetically. Let the sea calm you down or upset you, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you are aware of it and you connect with your environment. Now you can control your sensational and energetic state, because you know how? after reading the three books previously proposed.  


They are really very good and valuable readings, I thank the authors for the effort to guide me in the score and understand the notes of the melody, knowing that I have to dance my life and I would have to put effort first, to stay still and observe and second to submit to the change. I thank the patience of the readers of this post, for paying attention to this minute analysis and giving me the opportunity to expose my own opinion. 

I hope you find this post very useful, and that it resonates Divine melody in your lives