Magnetic Frequencies: The Hidden Key To Health


Did you know that everything around us is energy in different vibrational frequencies? From the smallest atoms to the largest planets, everything vibrates at a certain frequency. Our bodies are no exception, and understanding the effects of different frequencies can help us achieve optimal health. In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating world of magnetic frequencies and their impact on our well-being.

Natural and Artificial Magnetic Frequencies

Our planet is a complex web of magnetic frequencies, both natural and artificial. Natural frequencies include the Schumann Waves, which are generated by the earth’s electromagnetic fields. Artificial frequencies, on the other hand, are generated by human-made technologies such as cell phones, Wi-Fi, and radio towers.

For millions of years, humans have been biologically tuned to natural electromagnetic fields. However, with the advent of modern technology, we have created alternative electromagnetic fields that can cause a range of unbalancing consequences. We are no longer in tune with the universe or the earth, but rather with synthetic technology.

The Effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies on Our Health

The impact of artificial electromagnetic frequencies on our health is a subject of ongoing research. Some studies have suggested that exposure to these frequencies can cause cellular damage, weaken the immune system, and even contribute to the development of cancer.

Moreover, as we have become increasingly reliant on technology, we have lost our connection to the natural frequencies of the earth. We have put concrete beneath our feet, blocked the frequencies of the earth with shoes and clothes, and become disconnected from the cosmos. This lack of balance can lead to fatigue, illness, and a range of other health problems.

The Importance of Body Posture for Optimal Health

As human beings are approximately 70% water, we are perfect conductors of electricity. This means that we are biological antennas that can pick up on the frequencies of the earth and cosmos. Therefore, our body posture is key to optimal health.

When we stand upright, we are perfectly positioned to receive natural frequencies from the earth and cosmos. Unfortunately, modern lifestyles and technology have caused us to hunch over and lower our heads, disrupting this natural balance. This lack of connection to natural frequencies can lead to fatigue, lack of energy, and poor health.

How to Reconnect with Natural Magnetic Frequencies

The good news is that we can take steps to reconnect with natural magnetic frequencies and regain our health. Here are some tips:

  1. Take off your shoes and synthetic clothes and step onto natural surfaces like grass, sand, or earth. This will allow you to ground yourself and reconnect with the earth’s natural frequencies.

  2. Stand upright with the crown of your skull facing the sky and breathe deeply. Try to feel the energy flowing from space to earth and vice versa. This will help you reconnect with the cosmos and natural frequencies.

  3. Spend time in nature. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or a day at the beach, spending time in nature can help you reconnect with natural frequencies and improve your overall health.

In conclusion, magnetic frequencies are a fascinating aspect of our world that can have a profound impact on our health. By understanding the effects of natural and artificial frequencies, we can take steps to reconnect with the earth and cosmos, and achieve optimal health. So, take off your shoes, stand upright, and reconnect with the world around you – your body will thank you for it!


"The vibrant energy of the universe pulses within us, urging us to live our lives to the fullest."