Explore the possibility of extraterrestrial life with Corrado Malanga

Corrado Malanga is a name that has become equivalent with extraterrestrial kidnappings and consciousness manipulation techniques. He is a retired professor of organic chemistry who has carried out extensive research into the phenomenon of alien abductions and the control of human consciousness by beings from other planets. His work is both captivating and mind-bending, and it has opened up new paths of exploration into the nature of reality and the human mind.

Corrado Malanga's thoughts

Corrado Malanga's Theory of Consciousness: A New Perspective on Reality

Corrado Malanga began his research into alien abductions in the 1990s, after he himself underwent a series of unexplainable phenomena that he could not comprehend. He began to explore the nature of reality and the human mind, and his research led him to develop a new theory of consciousness that challenged the traditional perspective of the mind as a result of the brain.

Malanga's theory is based on the notion that consciousness is not a product of the brain, but instead a basic aspect of the universe itself. He believes that our consciousness is connected to a higher-dimensional reality that exists beyond our physical world, and that beings from other planets are capable of manipulating our consciousness by accessing this higher-dimensional reality.

Extraterrestrial Beings and Alien Abductions

One of the key areas of Malanga's research is the phenomenon of extraterrestrial kidnappings. He has conducted extensive interviews with people who allege to have been taken by beings from other planets, and his research has led him to develop a new theory of the nature of these encounters.

Malanga believes that beings from other planets are not physical entities, but instead representations of a higher-dimensional reality. He argues that these beings can manipulate our consciousness by accessing this higher-dimensional reality, and that the abduction experience is a consequence of this manipulation.

Hypnotic Regression and Mind Control Techniques

Another area of Malanga's research is the control of human consciousness through mind control techniques. He has conducted extensive research into hypnotic regression, which he believes is a powerful tool for accessing the higher-dimensional reality that beings from other planets use to manipulate our consciousness.

Malanga argues that hypnotic regression can be used to reveal memories of past lives and encounters with beings from other planets. He also believes that it can be used to heal psychological traumas and overcome the effects of mind control.

Multiple Dimensions and Interdimensional Travel

Malanga's research into the nature of reality has led him to develop a new theory of interdimensional travel. He believes that there are multiple dimensions of reality that exist beyond our physical world, and that we can access these dimensions through our consciousness.

Malanga argues that beings from other planets can travel between dimensions by manipulating their consciousness, and that humans can learn to do the same. He believes that this could lead to a new era of exploration and understanding of the universe.

Consciousness and Paranormal Phenomena

Malanga's theory of consciousness has far-reaching implications for our understanding of paranormal phenomena. He argues that phenomena such as telepathy, precognition, and psychokinesis are not supernatural in nature, but rather the result of our consciousness accessing the higher-dimensional reality that exists beyond our physical world.

Malanga's research has also led him to develop a new theory of the afterlife. He believes that our consciousness survives the death of our physical body, and that it continues to exist in a higher-dimensional reality.

UFO Sightings and Exopolitics

Malanga's research into the nature of reality has also led him to investigate the phenomenon of UFO sightings and the field of exopolitics. He believes that beings from other planets are visiting our planet, and that they are manipulating our consciousness in order to achieve their own objectives.

Malanga argues that the field of exopolitics needs to take into account the manipulation of human consciousness by extraterrestrial beings and that we need to develop new strategies for dealing with this phenomenon.

Malanga believes that the current approach to exopolitics is based on a limited understanding of extraterrestrial beings' true nature and motives. He argues that we need to develop a new paradigm that takes into account the manipulation of human consciousness and the interdimensional nature of reality.

The ultimate goal of Malanga's work is to help humanity evolve to a higher level of consciousness and understanding. He believes that by studying the manipulation of human consciousness by extraterrestrial beings, we can gain a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and our place in the universe.

Malanga's work has sparked controversy and debate within the scientific community but has also attracted a dedicated following of researchers and enthusiasts. His theories and research continue to inspire new avenues of exploration into the mysteries of the universe and the human mind.


Corrado Malanga's work on the phenomenon of alien abductions and the manipulation of human consciousness by extraterrestrial beings is both fascinating and groundbreaking. His research has led to new theories of consciousness, interdimensional travel, and the afterlife, and has challenged traditional views of the mind and the nature of reality. While his work is controversial, it continues to inspire new avenues of research and exploration into the mysteries of the universe and the human mind.


"Aliens, mysterious and otherworldly, remind us of the vastness and wonder of the universe."