Love & Hate, life shaking forces

Feelings are what we feel first in the face of any stimulus every day. We perceive a thousand sensations every day, from the most pleasant to the totally unpleasant. Many times we don't even realize when we go from one feeling to another, but we are fully aware when we say: I feel that something good is going to happen. Emotions are very close to feelings, but they are more spontaneous in appearing and disappearing, feelings last and gain psychological and physical strength. 

The Love/Hate Feelings


Some time ago I saw a program on TV in the United States, it was called 911, and there they treated extraordinary cases that happened from time to time; and one in particular caught my attention. A boy of barely 5 years old called 911 asking for help, because the house where they lived was on fire and his mother was collapsed by the smoke, no one else was at home. The firefighters and emergency services found the boy and his mother unconscious outside the house. The boy was very short and thin for his age, and his mother was a very heavy woman. Upon asking the boy how they got out of the house, he replied that he dragged her out of the house so she wouldn't burn in the fire. It was something incredible and at first sight impossible, because the difference in weight and size was enormous. The media immediately coined it as: the Force of Love

Another very similar case is about a mother who lives on the banks of a river in Australia. Her son, barely 9 years old, was playing with the water on the river bank itself, while his mother watched through the window. Suddenly the mother panicked, because what she saw would be a disaster, a gigantic alligator approaching her son, she ran away at full speed, when she approached the shore the child was already in the mouth of the animal, she grabbed her son with all her strength so that the alligator would not drag him to the bottom and began to fight for the life of her little boy. No one knows how, but the animal finally gave up after failing to remove its prey and let him go. 

When reporters asked the boy if he was saddened by the scars left by the alligator for life, the boy replied, "Rather I am happy for the scars of my mother's nails that saved my life.'' 
And it really seems like science fiction, but these cases are not so rare, you can find many similar stories, where the supernatural Force of Love is clearly reflected.


The cases of Power of Hate are more known, the holocaust in Hitler's time, the racism of all times, hatred of religious towards pagans, etc., it is a power of brute force because it gathers masses and multiplies this force by millions. But also the body immersed in hatred acquires an incredible physical power, although it is not stronger than that of love. Hate-filled revenge proved to be a very powerful accumulated dense energy, because the hate-filled body loses sensations such as pain and that turns the human being into a lethal weapon. In some countries the military are trained to hate their enemy to such an extent that their own life does not even matter to them in order to be able to kill this enemy.  

Can We Channel the Brute Force of Love/Hate?

Seeing that the military becomes virtually physically numb when feeling a lot of hate, the higher-ups realized the power that comes with it. The training focuses on channeling the hatred and directing it to the required destination. In short, they manage to turn even a human/military into a biological weapon for killing. It can also be observed that the same potential carries with it the psychological pain of a person when their loved one is taken from them, the hatred that turns into revenge can result in atomic potential, regardless of collateral damage; as I have told you, the perception of physical pain and sense of fear disappears. 

On the other hand, the force of Love can also be channeled, both to protect our loved ones, as well as to illuminate with very high vibration all our surroundings. But here working in masses is a little more difficult, since this vibration is more individual, and total empathy is required. Rather, a person who knows how to Love can embrace the whole environment. However, just like hate, it can move masses, for the fact that both one feeling and the other are too influential. Very strong love also inhibits physical pain and fear of dying in order to protect and help anyone. 

May everything that moves be moved by the Force of Love

The Power Feelings in Ourselves

Feeling, Love or Hate, has a brutal impact on our own existence, on our body. It is already proven, people who know how to Love wholeheartedly, live longer, are healthier and of course, without any doubt, are happier. The connection of these people with nature is almost magical, and the environment around them seems to have a lot of light. These people even look young, and suffer less from dementia in their old age. They feel good, both alone and surrounded by others, which nourishes them spiritually. If there is heaven, or high vibrational dimension for such souls, then they have a direct ticket. 

The opposite, the unhappy ones by Hate. Any disease is their other companion day by day, they age faster and their skins look paler. Dense and unpleasant energy surrounds them. Although they can move and convince masses with their hatred, they are solitary people, but they do not feel good in solitude, as bitterness and revenge tortures their minds. They tend to die faster. They are also prone to paranormal attacks, given the vibration so dense and compatible with entities from ''underworlds''.

Doing the Experiment with Myself using Empathy

I have analyzed my life for as long as I can remember and I have realized that there were times when I was angry, and even wanted to take revenge, and I am not proud of this now of course, but I cannot deny it either. I felt fury accumulated in my chest, in my blood, and a thousand things were going through my head that I am ashamed of. It is true that this feeling of hatred makes you blind and deaf, and deprives other emotions, and thoughts taking over your whole mind. The days become dark and people feel unpleasant, in fact I didn't want anyone to come near me. It was literally making me sick. I managed to get out of my hatred when a metaphysical book fell into my hands, and I discovered forgiveness, and empathy

It is not that I forget the harm that was done to me, but I no longer looked at it with the same eyes, I could see different points of view, even try to put myself in the place of the enemy. And this literally saved me from my own poison, which is hatred. 

My life regained warm colors and now I practice empathy with enthusiasm.
Empathy increases the degree of spirituality, as you unite with your environment, connect with nature and achieve emotional and physical balance. I try to love everything that surrounds me, take meticulous care and nature seems to give me back those feelings, I feel surrounded by good people, the animals are affectionate with me, and the plants seem to take on intense colors. In fact, I begin to attract everything I needed in my life, and what seemed unattainable before is now a total reality. Maybe it is suggestion; however, it came by forcing me to change my feelings, and if I have been suggested, it is for the good of all and most of all for me. 

I experience empathy as much as I can always. If someone is angry and goes against me (which practically never happens anymore), I try to stop for a while before I feel bad, before getting angry or worse attacking (that never happens), and I think, who hurt this person who is now suffering?, since hate, rage is really suffering; I analyze the situation and I know, if it is better to walk away leaving him in peace or to get closer and try to talk and give him back the reason of sound judgment. I always, always try to understand what is happening to the other, otherwise I would go back to my own selfishness of feeling only the ''Me''.


Good Vibration

Every day, as soon as you remember yourself, try to think positive, to accumulate empathy even for lifeless things, as if they had life. Take care of them, your bed, armchair, your kitchen, pillow, as if they feel and ask you to take care of them. Imagine, that after taking care of your lifeless things they are thanking you for it, and then watch carefully, they really come alive or something very close to it, they begin to vibrate a positive frequency, high, generates a warm energy, you begin to enjoy your things. Even though it seems ridiculous, try it and I promise you will be amazed. Now reflect, if treating lifeless things with this love already changes everything drastically, then imagine how it is to treat every living being this way, is that you get back more than this vibration and fill your life with abundant love. It is the Law of Attraction. A good vibration is what everyone always needs, vibration of peace and Love. 

I recommend this practice with everything in your day to day life, and it will take you out of the boring and bitter routine, turning it into something beautiful, happy and attractive. You will never be the same again. 

We wish you all the love in the world