Sacred symbols that easily change lives

Changing lives using Sacred Symbols is possible?

Changing your life

Do not be surprised by the chapter on this topic, as it is no joke. Changing your life by surrounding yourself with symbols is possible and really easy. Here we will explain the whys and hows. 

First let's make a comparison with what we already know, ALL THE MOST FAMOUS BRANDS HAVE THEIR SYMBOL, LOGO OR AT LEAST THEIR WORDS OR LETTERS, and all the little known brands too.

Every dollar bill, euro, franc, etc. or currency, has its symbol that represents it and its letters. Have you ever wondered why? It seems obvious, right, for us to identify them, you might say.  However, it is not as obvious as we say and it is not only to identify those entities and objects, it is to give potential and generate desired vibration, and in the most famous brands, especially, the symbols are selected with great caution and deep knowledge about sacred symbology. 

There are texts there and there that explain that even rituals are performed to propitiate a certain type of energetic vibration to those companies, organizations and entities more known and more secret. Surely you have heard about the rituals of the Roquefellers, Illuminati groups, Freemasons, etc. Those characters do not live without symbols, without rituals, without so-called devil or angelic magic. Anyway, if they do it, for better or for worse, it is surely because it works. And we want to tell you a little of the hows and whys so that you can also use it to your advantage. 

In a previous post we have explained what we think about magic. Here we will give it a little more emphasis. There is no black or white magic, there is not even magic, it is only science that still remains a mystery to us because we have not yet discovered what it is. However, let's call it magic for convenience. Magic is only a tool that can be used for good or for evil, and knowing that Karma also exists, we better use it for good. 

Using Symbols and Seals for a Magical Life

Let's start with the simplest, SIMBOLS. Since ancient times, symbols and seals were widely used with different meanings, and for different purposes. For example, the Druids and the Celts believed strongly in the power of symbols, they created them for protection, for abundance, love, health, etc. and in particular the Druids had special rituals for activation of each one. You had to have with you a symbol for the purpose you desired.

Kings were cured of their illnesses with ritualized symbols, warriors took them to wars to win over the enemy, the rich to protect their wealth and so a thousand different situations to apply the magic of symbols. Even today symbols and seals are used, people tattoo them on their skins because besides being something beautiful it fulfills some particular function, and many do not even doubt its effectiveness. 

Surrounding your life with symbols and seals is easy and recommended, although I can not prove that this works, but I can prove that absolutely nothing will happen, do not do it, and it is very boring. Right? 

1. If we need money, then we go to look for a seal that promises abundance to the one who carries it. 

2. We inform ourselves very well about that symbol, where its origins are, how it is activated and how to use it. 

3. We get the symbol as an amulet, as an art to decorate the house, as a tattoo or sigil

4. We concentrate all our mind, heart and soul so that the magic arises (In other posts we will talk about these three forces to get everything you want).

5. We try to develop the habit of surrounding ourselves with magical, sacred, meaningful things so that the vibration of our life is just as we want it. 

We wish you all the happiness in the world